Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ever notice that even the busiest people are never too busy to tell you just how busy they are?

Well, Let me tell you, we're busy! Ever since school has started, there hasn't been a lot of free time. But I must admit, I do like it that way. I am more productive when I have too many things to do than when I have nothing to do, but plenty I SHOULD be doing. Oh one of the great paradoxes of life. :) So going along with this busyness, I have slacked on the blog. Funny thing is, I thought if I blogged only once a week rather than write in my journal everyday, that I would have more time to keep record of my life. So far, I haven't done so great, but there are many personal things I would like to improve upon and this is one of them. 

So, now I would like to just to say, I am loving this semester! No matter how busy it is. As a student, a Direct Care Associate, Director of the Service-Learning Scholars, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, a Wife, a Homemaker, life is never dull, and there is hardly ever any down time, but it also couldn't be better. I am proud of all the roles I am playing right now, and I only hope to improve on them each day. I am so lucky to have a husband who supports me in all these roles and is patient with me when I tend to get overwhelmed. 

We have been married over a year now! I can't even believe it! In a lot of ways, this year went by so fast, but as I look at our marriage, it feels so natural, like we've been married forever! In a good way. I don't know where I'd be without Steve's support and love. He is always thinking of me and of ways to make me happy, and I couldn't be any happier! He planned a great trip for our anniversary to go down to Vegas and it was a blast! It was so nice just to get away and be with him and grow closer together.

Before heading to Vegas we stopped by the Manti Temple. It was my first live session! So beautiful!
Road Trip! We have the greatest time in the car jamming out to tunes and just conversing about life. :) My Best Friend

HEHE wouldn't he make a great egyptian? ;)

We went through pretty much every hotel on the strip, and they had some pretty awesome modern art!

The Beautiful Luxor hotel! It's a pyramid. Literally
So that's what they call it these days...

We went to see Cirque de Solei Criss Angel! Steve loves Illusions so I thought he would enjoy it. It was a lot of fun! :)

I tugged and pulled and finally got Steve to go on the Famous New York New York rollercoaster with me. He was SO scared ;)
Pyramid-shaped Luxor again. We were really impressed.
Of course the Luxor was Egyptian themed :)
Can't miss the Bellagio Fountains! They are amazing! Steve loved every minute It was the highlight of the trip for him.
Coca-Cola Store! You could get 16 different flavors of coke products from around the world!
We couldn't even finish them all! Some were amazingly good! Some were amazingly gross! LOL
M&M Store. SO cool :)
Nope Just Las Vegas :)

At the Flamingo hotel there were the biggest fish we have ever seen! This picture doesn't even do it justice.

The Venetian! Looks like a little Villa but it's inside the hotel! So pretty

Steve loved the Fountains so much we had to see them twice :P
Caesar's Palace

 It was such a great trip! And so memorable! The best part was just getting to spend alone time, without homework, without work, without distractions, with my best friend.

Our actual anniversary landed on a school night, but that didn't stop Steve from wanting to make it special. We went and saw Les Miserables at the Ellen Eccles theatre in Logan. It was the first time I have ever seen the play and it was absolutely beautiful! I cried almost the whole way through. I cannot wait for the movie to come out! It is truly an inspired play.

 One of the many reasons I have the best husband in the world. Every month of our marriage for this first year he gave me roses on out "monthly" anniversaries. First month of our marriage I received one single rose on October 10, second month I received 2 roses and on down until the year mark where I received a dozen! It was so romantic in a simple way. I loved it! And I love him. :)

 I know this blog has been very long and many of you, if you even opted to read it, are thinking, wow is she done yet? But I just have so much love and appreciation for my husband! I can't believe we have already been married for a year and I anticipate the many beautiful years to come. I know it won't always be easy, this first year already testified of that, but it will ALWAYS be worth it. 
Working at a treatment center I have the opportunity to meet several different people around the U.S and even as far as Canada. Many of them have different faiths and values, and especially think Utah is so unique and, to put it bluntly as they call it, weird. One thing that has always stayed constant and surprised everyone I have met the most is how we view marriage and family. "You guys marry so young!" "You don't even have your life figured out yet!" And I often pondered on why we were encouraged to marry young. After a discussion with one of our good friends Amanda Noyes, I realized why. I realize that us not having everything and life figured out yet is what makes marriage so much more beautiful at this age. We are still malleable, changeable, adaptable, being molded. And as we find someone that we CHOOSE to spend the rest of our life with, we are more easily able to mold and change together. The Lord commanded us to be one, so as we form our lives together, this is more easily obtained than if we were done growing, done changing, we had our life figured out, and tried to put an equally independent person's life together with our own. Marriage is still not perfect at a young age we still have our own individual challenges, but we are adaptable and mold each other as well as ourselves to be one with God. I am grateful to have married Steve when I did, and I know I am still adapting and changing, and I couldn't be more happy to be able to change with Steve, grow with him, mold my life with his, and ultimately become one with him and God.


  1. I'm so glad I read your whole post! The last part was the best and it was SO true!!

  2. Such great insight! ... Well your first year is in the books and you ended it with a bang. Jaron and I stayed in the Luxor for our honeymoon. Even a honeymoon suite! oooo... :) Your pictures brought back such good memories. You two are a fabulous couple!

    1. Kristen!! YOU and JARON are a fabulous couple! I miss you and need to call you sometime!
